RSVP for Building Power Class

Ella Baker stands out to me as one of those leaders and I invoke her genius and strategy now. From "Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement":

“Baker insisted that a movement was a web of social relationships. Charismatic leaders could rally an anonymous mass of followers to turn out for a single event or series of events; millions could watch television coverage of heroic actions by a brave few or speeches by mesmerizing orators; but that was mobilization, not organization. In order to be effective organizers in a particular community, Baker argued, activists had to form relationships, build trust, and engage in a democratic process of decision making together with community members. The goal was to politicize the community and empower ordinary people. This was Baker’s model, and in 1961 it became SNCC’s model.” 

Now is the time to organize. And to organize, we must know one another and build deeper relationships with one another. Register here for our organizing trainings held at 621 Tacoma Ave South, Mondays at 5pm. A light dinner will be included. Onward toward wholeness and liberation!